Pops and Jo and I took Noah to Weston on Monday. We went to Vaughn's Orchard and to the Red Barn. Noah was in
bapple (how he pronounces apple) heaven at
Vaughn's! He LOVES apples and just wants to wander around holding one all the time. The main picking season was over, but they let us walk in the orchard and pick what we could find. There were tons of apples on the ground and Noah ran around picking them up and then dropping them so he could pick up more saying "
bapple" the whole time. Pops even lifted Noah up so he could reach some of the lower hanging apples, so Noah got to pick some! Then we got to see the corn and a big blue tractor at
Vaughn's before heading over to the Red Barn. We played in the pumpkin patch and then got to see the farm animals. Noah had a great time picking up pumpkins and gourds and just carrying them around. It was a wonderful day and we have a new Fall tradition. Next year we are going to make Daddy come with us, too! These pics uploaded in a crazy order, I had it in my head to upload them according to the events of the day, that did not happen. I am terrible at this,
lol. I will be uploading several videos in the next few days. I went camera crazy and took 135 pictures, so even though it seems like I have posted a lot, it's a small sampling!

I picked this one!!

This picture was taken mid-meow. It's his favorite animal sound, thanks to Pete and Max.

Corn! Noah spent forever examining the corn

This picture is way out of order, but oh well, it happens and trying to move the pics around isn't fun.

Noah was kind of upset that the wheels wouldn't spin, but he got over it.

Hooray dirt!!

This is one of my favorite pictures, he looks like such a little man.

Noah and a calf.

These were Noah-sized pumpkins. The sign says "please don't sit on the pumpkins," it doesn't say "please don't crawl all over the pumpkins," so I think he was

I love how intent he is on studying his teeny tiny little pumpkin, or "goblin's egg" as they were labeled.

Ducks!! Well, really they were geese, but we don't mess with such fine distinctions around here.

Disclaimer: This picture was posted to prove that I actually did attend this day of Fall fun. It was very windy outside and I wasn't wearing makeup, nor did I shower that morning, because why shower when you are going to play outside all day?

This is Noah's I am so tired and hungry face. Or maybe it's his "if you take one more picture of me I am going to scream" face