Here is Noah playing with some new trains that he got for Valentines Day. The boy loves his trains, I think he must dream about them at night because the first thing he does in the morning is run down the hall saying "choo-choos...choo-choos!!) It's fun that he has something that he loves. We think Percy might be his favorite, but he did get a Thomas pulling Clarabelle for Valentines Day and he likes it A LOT!

Noah opening his Valentines Day box...expertly decorated by moi. :) So I'm not crafty, but I try and that's what counts :)

Noah just loved these bright blue frogs, he kept coming back to the tank over and over and over again. Nevermind the meerkats and the really cool squirrel monkeys, nope, it was the blue frogs. What a boy!

Tunnel!! Noah loves tunnels right now, we make them in the living room with chairs and blankets and he runs his trains (choo-choos) through tunnels on his table and he will even bend over and put his hands on the ground and look between his legs and say "tunnel!" We found this tunnel at the zoo.

Grandma and Grandpa Dieker came up to visit and Noah had a great time with them playing in the yard and going to the zoo!
Noah had his first real "boo-boo" yesterday. After church he was running down the sidewalk and tripped and caught himself with his mouth. Pictures are coming. Not of anything bloody, just the scratches and fat lip...well it's not really fat it's just scabby :( I didn't freak out too badly, just a little hyperventilating...it's just never good to see your little guy all bloody. That's supposed to stay on the inside! He was bleeding from his chin, both lips, above his upper lip and his nose a little bit. Poor guy!!