We all got sick! Ugh! All of us had a temp of at least 102 in the last couple of weeks! It hasn't been fun. I think we are all on the mend pretty much. We just have to figure out why I am still feeling icky. Allergy medicine seems to be helping somewhat! 2 weeks ago we went to Wichita, here are some pics from the trip...

Cal and Great Grandma Dieker

Noah n Uncle Kurt

Great Grandma Doan and Great Uncle Dave with Calvin

Calvin was smiling like crazy at Great Grandma Doan, this isn't a great pic but you can kind of tell he's smiling!

Sleeping on Aunt Courtney

Noah n Uncle Neal
Now here are some pics of the last few weeks since we've been back

Calvin is constantly sticking out his tongue...and now if we help him grab something he'll hang on for a really long time!

I left Noah alone at breakfast to run and change my shirt that had been spit-up on and came back to this....I guess he likes salt as much as his Pops

Can't you tell he was sick? Poor kid!

Here is a 1 month pic of Calvin

2 months! This was several hours before we loaded him up and took him to Children's Mercy because of a high fever which ended up being the flu.

This is Calvin staring at the Red Sox jersey on the wall. He has great head control, but pretty much refuses to do anything but just lay there on tummy time. He probably won't roll over 'till he's 6 months, lol. He'll do it when he's ready!

Still staring at the jersey