Thursday, February 25, 2010

2nd post today, be sure to look below for more new pics!

This is a pic of Cal in his fancy Children's Mercy getup. I had to take him in last night b/c of a high fever and difficulty breathing. But he's fine, it's just a virus, they suctioned out his nose and did a lot of tests and sent us home.
Noah-just similar-ish pics. They look more alike in my mind, when I put them together, not so much, so just indulge me :)

Noah n Cousin Carter hanging out. They have gotten to be good buddies!
Look at Noah's fancy haircut!
The rest of these are all of Cal's 6 month photo shoot.

Six Months of Calvin :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Avocado Boys

Calvin-this pic of Cal reminded me of one of Noah, so I hunted it down. These pics are of their first taste of avocado.


Cal is doing great sitting up by himself (with a boppy). He can sit a minute or two completely unassisted before slowly toppling over.
Noah loves to wear summer clothes in the winter. I think it's a boy thing.
This firefly is yummy!
This kid is SERIOUSLY cute!
Calvin and his cousin Carter like to take turns trying to poke each other in the eye.
Noah chowin' down at our Valentines Day Party
Calvin and his buddy Elizabeth at the Valentines Day party. When people say that Cal has a lot of hair, I always say "you should see our friend Elizabeth"
Opening his book at our play group Valentines Day party

Funny Faces :)

Friday, February 5, 2010


Some interaction, I love it when Noah 'hugs' Calvin
Noah was just figuring out his he is MUCH louder

Cal talkin' and first bites of cereal!