A sick Noah...just moments before he vomited all over me. I took a picture because he was still...and all the pictures I get of him these days are terrible because he's never still.

Noah wanted me to take a picture of his train, so here you go, now you can all see his train.

I love this picture of Ryan and Noah! It's blurry but good!

Here is a picture of Cal with an undiagnosed ear infection...sickness has been a recurring theme around here lately.

This is what I mean when I say that almost all the pictures of Noah I take are terrible

I can't believe how much Calvin looks like the baby pictures of James and I. Since Noah is just a mini-Ryan it's nice to have one that looks like me!

My smiley guy

We have moved Cal to the big high chair. He looks so tiny in it!

Here is Noah drinking his antibiotic-laced chocolate milk. He got an ear infection, too. Isn't this kid beautiful. I know that he's mine and I'm totally biased, but he's beatiful!

What you lookin at?
We have all been sick lately. It started with Cal, then Noah, then Ryan, then Cal again, then me, then Noah again...I THINK we are all on the mend. I am blaming this big gap in posting on us all be ridiculously sick. The boys are doing well other than having been sick. Noah still LOVES trains. I'm glad he has a passion :) He also loves running and jumping and making beds for us so we can pretend to sleep. Calvin is sitting up very well on his own now, such a big boy! He doesn't seem very interested in mobility, which I am perfectly happy with! Our lives are going to get a lot more complicated when he can crawl! Noah has a lot of toys with little pieces, we are going to have to watch Cal like a hawk!