Jo with all the kids reading books. They all love to read, which makes me happy. I hope Noah's love of reading stays with him his whole life!

Pops, Noah and Miss C.

Noah playing with Miss C. She's got 5-6 months and several inches on him, but I think she's got shoes on and he's barefoot.

Noah and the girls watching the fountains at the Boardwalk.

Ok, so you can't really see Noah in this picture very well at all, but I just wanted everyone to see how beautiful it is down there!!

Noah playing on a green, I think it was the 13th hole (?) Pops is determined to make Noah into a golfer. Go for it Pops, you have my blessing, lets just hope he has more patience for the game than his mama.

Noah and Jo on the golf course

The ducks that lived in the Bell's pond. Noah LOVED them, here they are fleeing from us to shouts of "DUCK DUCK DUCK DUCK DUCK"

Swimming with Mom. I was in the pool, over at the side and Noah just walked right over to me, right off the edge. He didn't jump or anything, and he almost cracked his head on the side of the pool, but I caught him. Eeek! We have to WATCH him around water.

"Ok, I finally looked up, take the picture already!"

Kickin' it with Jo and Pops

Noah's hair went adorably curly after swimming, thank you humidity! I wish it would do that all the time!!

Playing the organ at the Hunts' house

Chillin' with Uncle Jimmy at our last stop before coming home. Noah was such a great traveler, he hardly cried at all, even on Thursday when we were in the car from 8:30am to around 10pm, I think. We had three stops, one of them for about 2 hours or so to let him stretch his legs and run around. We were all impressed with how well he did. I think he looks like his Uncle James in this last picture.