We loaded Noah up on Sunday afternoon and took him to the game. It was his first time at a major sporting event....probably his first time at any sporting event unless you count Royal's opening day 2007 when he was "on the inside." He was a little awed by the number of people there, but he did really well. He did spend a lot of time walking all over the concourse and the entrance. Luckily there were several of us there so we could take turns with him. Noah is also a big fan of the chocolate malts, we think he ate half of one by himself! Unfortunately, the Royals lost to the "godless" Cardinals. I guess Noah needs to learn that in this life the good guys don't always win, we live in a fallen and depraved world. I would prefer to have delayed that lesson until he was older, but the Royals had other plans.
I know Ryan was very excited to get to share one of his loves with Noah. I see many more Royals games in their future. Ryan can't wait to go out back and play catch with Noah and teach him how to hit. Noah already has a ball and a little mitt, he just needs a little more coordination!