This is Noah watching/listening to his Pops playing at the Parkville Acoustic Festival. Noah had a great time dancing and running around.

This is the first flower that Noah picked for me, isn't it sweet...ok, so he just got a little carried away and that's why he "picked" it...and Ryan said "give it to Mommy" over and over again until he brought it to me, but it still got me a little teary I must admit!

Noah loves to crawl around in the water at the lake and pick up rocks.

The wheels on the dock go round and round, round and round, round and round....Ok, it's the neighbor's dock actually that has the wheels that spin, but Noah loved it. What he did not love was his life jacket. There were lots of tears involved. We think it's because he can't really walk in the water in it very well and it keeps tipping him on his back which freaks him out!
Isn't the new design just the old design only blue? This is Nikki, the new design is news to me! I like the change though!