Noah and his Grandpa Dieker bonded over their love of Cheeto's.

Ryan and Noah playing around inside on a rainy day.

This is the sidewalk Noah loves to run up and down and up and down and up and down. He makes us actually get up out of our chairs and run to make sure he isn't eating any flowers or anything at the top of the hill. By the way Great-Grandma Dieker, if you notice fewer blooms than usual on your next visit, you can lay the blame squarely on the shoulders of Noah who developed a taste for them.

A lot of our outside time was devoted to taking the Tonka trucks out of the bucket and putting them back in the bucket and filling them with rocks. I think Ryan's dad originally played with these trucks when he was a kid.

Playing with rocks on the dock.

I just like this picture of Ryan. :)

Noah loves his towel with the frogs on it, he "hugs" the frogs. We think it's adorable.

This is also how Noah sleeps a lot, I guess most kids do...I wonder when we all stop doing that because I'm pretty sure most adults don't sleep like that. Maybe we should, maybe they know something we don't...

Shortly after these pictures were taken a very rude bird did its "business" on this towel, so unfortunately we had to retire it for the rest of the week.

Goin' for a swim.

I wanted to get a pic in here of me, but in most of them you can tell that I have been eating a lot of junk and not working out, so I found this one where I'm mostly covered up. If you look closely you will see that Noah is not mostly covered up. He went diaper-less several times on the vacation, but once again to preserve his privacy we will not post pictures with "crackage."

Noah brought along a little light reading for the week.

"What? I'm already half-way done!"

"The end...not as good as my last novel, but overall it was a rather satisfactory read."

Noah discovered the joy of covering himself with rocks...and dirt...and more dirt.

He eventually started tossing it down his back which put rocks and dirt all in his onesie and down into his diaper. Fun stuff. What a BOY!

Noah loved digging in the dirt in the middle of this stump, anything to get dirty, eh?

I just loved what my hair did in the humidity! It was all wavy and cute and I didn't even touch it! Alas, it has cooled down mightily so no more humid curls for me!