His expression certainly is scary! These next few pics were taken at our playgroup's Halloween party.

Look at all the yummy food!!!

Go Diego, Go!

Sharing some treats

Noah loves to 'drive' the car.

Getting ready to go trick-or-treating..."hurry up guys!"

Daddy putting on his shoes while mommy does nothing constructive, she just takes more pictures

My boys...I accidentally cut off Ryan's head, but it was dark and I couldn't see!

He loved playing with his zipper

The only shot of him with his hood up, it is blurry because he was moving to take it off

We discovered Noah shares his mom's love of mini m&m's

Noah loved the moon pumpkin, good idea, Daddy! He kept pointing at it and saying 'moon' over and over again, he is kind of fixated on the moon right now. We have to go see the moon every night and read lots of books that have the moon in them.

Our pumpkins, the one on the bottom says 'Noah; Ryan is a wizard with a steak knife

Winding down (yes, he is too long for his costume, he grew)

Finally, back to my normal pant-less state

He still loves this toy after almost a year, it's a great one!!