Christmas '08 Part I (all these pictures are actually in reverse order of when they happened, sorry!)
Noah LOVES "mix" that his Great-Grandma Dieker makes
After Noah heard me say that the sprinkles were edible he started to chow down. I thought these pics of him on a crazy sugar binge were cute! Decorating nicely before he started eating the sprinkles. Noah got to "help" make the cookies.. Doesn't he look like a big kid in this picture? He's growing up WAY too fast! We took Noah to Union Station to see the trains, he was so interested in them, and he held on tight to his "big bus" the whole time. Mommy and Noah and Cousin Carter Chillaxin' with Dad Working on his laptop in his Cozy-Coupe tent. He got the hang of opening presents really quickly. Our little drummer boy After Ryan forced him into his Cozy Coupe, he had a great time!!