Isn't he adorable? Noah loves to run around in Ryan's hats.

Noah just climbed up into this chair and sat at the table like "Ok, I'm ready..." Ready for what, we have no idea. After dreading it for months, Ryan and I (ok, just Ryan) cut Noah's hair himself. It went really well, we just put on Thomas and I fed him a steady stream of "m's" that's what Noah calls M&M's and he didn't really seem to care. Hooray big boy haircuts and hooray us not paying for them anymore!!

Noah n Kate n Marquez playing on a couch

Noah n Kate playing on the fireplace...there wasn't a fire going I promise and there were 2 mommies nearby so it was safe!

We love how Noah uses his Sit-n-Spin as a stool, it's so cute! This is pre-haircut, so you can get a look at the "before."