Fancy new Thomas undies We started potty training....eeek! This could take a while, lol. He was showing a lot of interest so we decided to capitalize on it. It hasn't been too bad, but I do think that you shouldn't mix potty training and pregnancy hormones, but it's too late now! He is really good at using the potty just not very good at telling me when he has to go. As of right now I just ask him a lot and when he says yes, hooray we potty. Of course sometimes he says no and then pees on the floor a few minutes later. It's a process! We have 4 months until the new baby comes, hopefully we will be done by then! Noah and Jo playing on her "big red ball." Noah loves that thing! Ryan and I took a trip to St. Louis last weekend, just the 2 of us, it was so nice!! We got to see the Cards beat the Cubs, the new Busch stadium is so nice! We also took a tour of the Anheiser-Busch plant and did a few other touristy things. This is just a cute pic of Noah....but aren't they all?