Noah showing off his gardening skills.

I think the cilantro should go....here

Noah had a great time playing in the water dripping from the faucet.

Planting jalapenos...or just playing in the mud...

Hmmm...now I'm muddy!

This is his favorite part of getting muddy.

Gotta love those smiles.

Here is my Mother's Day present. My wonderful handy husband built me some planter boxes and we are trying our hand at a little garden. I tend to kill most things so we'll see how it goes. I just have to remember to water it...that seems to be my problem. Hopefully we'll have lots of tomatoes and fresh herbs this summer!

Here is Ryan teaching our son to pee standing up....outside....I think it was a very proud moment for Ryan, but perhaps more of a Father's Day activity.

We spend A LOT of time out back pushing Noah in his swing...A LOT of time...

I was going to delete some of these Noah and I pictures, but for some reason it won't let me, so here we go...

This is definitely not a flattering pic of me, but you can see the belly pretty well in it, so I put it up. I think both the kids need to be represented on Mother's Day!

Our indoor picnic b/c it was cold and rainy outside. We watched "Over the Hedge."


Cuddle Time!!!