Here is Noah in his "Thomas Coma" watching DVD's on the trip out to Estes Park. He is such a great traveler! Even on the way home when we drove straight through he didn't complain at all! We were amazed. Friday the 6th we headed out to Estes Park to meet Jo and Pops, James, Kelly, Emilee, Macie (Emilee's cousin) and Carter for a week of relaxation and fun!

Because potty-training doesn't stop on a road trip....

When we got to Estes Park we immediately stopped at Lake Estes to let Noah run around and throw rocks in the water.

Daddy and Noah looking at the river downtown. Noah loved the whitewater.

Hanging out in the cabin with Pops' hat.

Ryan outside the cabin on the porch.

In the middle of this picture is the bear that Ryan, Emilee, Noah and I saw on a walk down to some waterfalls we found about 1/4 of a mile away from the cabin. This is the best picture I got, it's hard to take pictures while you are slowly backing away. :) He didn't seem too interested in us, which was good! If you click on the picture it will get big and you can see him better.

The friendly neighborhood hummingbirds that we saw all week at the cabin. There were tons of them!

Ryan and Noah playing on the rocks just off the porch/deck/patio thingie.

We got Noah a new train which we dubbed the "Colorado Express" and he took that thing with him everywhere!

Here is our cabin! Machin's #16, it was great! There were tons of mule deer, chipmunks, ground squirrels and hummingbirds everywhere.

Here are the waterfalls we hiked down to when we saw the bear, only a day later when there was no bear.

Macie, Noah, Pops and Emilie at the waterfalls.

Noah on one of our little hikes with the Colorado Express.

Noah checking out the plants...well actually he was pooping.

Noah, Ryan, Emilee and Macie on a hike.

Noah and Emilee. They are good buddies, Noah loves "Miss Emilee" as he calls her and just follows her around and always wants to hold her hand. Emilee told her mom that she feels like Noah should be her brother. She is very patient with Noah and great with him. Too cute!

Tuesday night Ryan and I had a date night that started with a history and ghost tour of The Stanley Hotel with James, Kelly, Emilee and Macie. Jo and Pops stayed behind with the boys. For some brief information, The Stanley is a 100 year old hotel in Estes Park that is supposed to be haunted. When Stephen King stayed there back in the day he supposedly saw several ghosts and the hotel inspired The Shining. This picture has lots of orbs and strange spots in it that I think are supposed to be ghosts, I'm not convinced :) I think they sprinkle something in the air, lol. I did have lots of pictures with orbs though!

A view from The Stanley

Me in front of The Stanley..not sure what I was gesturing at.

Pops, Noah, n Ryan

A Yellow-Bellied Marmot

Our family, halfway up the summit...we drove by the way, lol, don't get any ideas of us being in shape or anything.

James and Kelly

Noah finally got to play in some snow. He had been asking to play in the snow all week! Man it was cold up there!!! And the bathrooms were very clean, but with no heat, those toilet seats...shudder!

Noah loved this bear at the Alpine Visitor's Center

Pops looking very adventurous at the summit.

Wee one and I made it!!! You do have to go up a lot of stairs to get to the top...with the thin air and my already diminished lung capacity it was tough, we rested a lot.

A view from the top.

After the Alpine Visitors Center, we picnic-ed with the elk. They were right by us!


On Friday several of us got up and went into Rocky Mountain National Park to go on a hike. James and Kelly wanted to go but had had a rough night with Carter and were sleeping for the journey home. They left that night and drove straight through, eek! I really wanted to go on a "real" hike, and I picked a nice and easy 1.7 mile each way trek. We had a great time and I took a silly amount of pictures. We were impressed with how well Noah did on the hike, he spent a lot of time on Ryan and Pops' shoulders and didn't fuss or get grumpy at all. The boy loves being outside and looking at bugs and plants and animals. We didn't see too many animals on the hike but it was BEAUTIFUL. I don't like to bore you with scenery shots, but there will be a few....it was BEAUTIFUL!!!

Just starting out, it's Emilee, Jo, Pops, Ryan, Noah and then me bringing up the rear

A pic of everyone but me, just the way I like it :)

Noah found some berries, but don't worry, we didn't let him eat them!


Up close shot...

Zoomed out shot!!! Crazy. The rock was pretty easy to climb on the back but it looks impressive from up here, no? It was so funny when they were getting down we were telling Emilee to "be careful," and out of nowhere Noah said "Easy does it, Miss Emilee!" We were all cracking up. I guess someone has said that to him in the past in conjunction with "be careful." We are just amazed at what comes out of his little mouth!!

Noah n Emilee BFF :)

Pops taking a turn with the Boo. Noah was excited to ride with Pops!

I think the backpack balanced me out :)

We couldn't get Noah to look at the camera...but he's 2...what do you expect?

#2 and I on the hike

I'm not sure what was going on here, but it's cute.

Our destination!!!

Resting and snacking

Emilee found a friend! Well maybe he just wanted the apple...

Jo n Pops

Jo, Pops, and Emilee

Yet another potty picture...he's going to hate me one of these days...they're just cute pics!

Saturday morning we got all packed up and then took another hike to the waterfalls by the cabin (or cabimen...captain..cabden...Noah had a hard time saying "cabin" and it bugged him, we thought it was cute)

I liked the way the moon was setting over the top of the mountain. Pops and James climbed this mountain one morning, I wanted to go, but being 29 weeks pregnant I declined. Next time I'll be up there!

One last trip to the "ant tree," Noah loved to look at all the ants scurrying about.

And that was our trip! It was wonderful and relaxing and I would like to say that it's good to be home, but looking at the mountains of laundry ahead of me and all the unpacking, I want to be back in Colorado!!