Bath Time! Isn't he getting chubby?

Noah at the park

Noah loves to watch videos of trains on Youtube. Isn't he cute?

My new favorite Calvin picture...melts my heart

Seriously, doesn't he have eyelashes to die for?

Noah spent a fun filled day with Jo and Pops on Friday. They are sitting on a bridge that goes over a bunch of train tracks. They had 2 trains go underneath them, a coal train and a freight train. Noah was very excited. Doesn't he look like a kid in this picture? His arms and legs look so long!

No Pictures!!! (this is Noah in his hat from Fritz's the restaurant that brings your food by train)

Fine...one picture

Hammin' it up.

Calvin and Pops. I love Cal's face in this picture!

"I am at Jo and Pops' house, I can do whatever I want :)"

I was curious about how Calvin was growing, and Ryan found a baby scale for sale at work and picked it up. As of Wednesday night, Calvin weighed 8lbs 15oz. He's really chunking up! He gained 30oz in a mere 13 days. He is outgrowing all his newborn clothes already. He isn't going to have that newborn look for much longer. He's doing great though and (mostly) sleeping very well. His usual pattern is to eat around 10-11pm, then 2-3am and then 6-7am. Not too bad, we can't complain. Noah is doing really well too. We are still amazed at how well he has taken to being a big brother. Tonight I put Calvin in his carseat and he was fussing a little bit, so Noah walked over to him, and leaned down close to Cal and asked "What's wrong, Calvin?" It was very cute! Noah is at this great stage where everything is exciting and fun. He is really starting to play with other kids more and more, it's so fun to watch. We have some great boys!