Saturday, September 19, 2009

Calvin is 1 Month Old!

I know he's my kid, but seriously...he's CUTE!

Look at all of his chub!
I love how Noah has made himself comfy in his red chair. Look at those long skinny legs!

Look how well he is holding his head up! Cal doesn't have much use for "tummy time" unless he's laying on one of us and then he just pops up and looks around. He is one month old today, he has been such a blessing! I can't imagine life without him around. What did we do when we just had Noah? Oh yeah, we slept! Calvin has been getting up every 3 to 3.5 hours the past few nights, where did our 5-6 hour stretches go? I'm not sure if he's going through a growth spurt (like he needs one, just out of curiosity, I weighed him tonight before he ate and he was 10lbs 3.5oz! He has gained 3lbs from his birth weight), or if he's just so snotty he's not able to eat as much and needs to get up more often. I'm hoping this is very temporary. One his one month birthday, Calvin decided to celebrate with his first blowout. Nice, lol!

Noah is doing great, he is suddenly into tools. Ryan gave him a tape measure and a scraper and a rubber mallet (his hammer), a wrench and a screwdriver and he goes all over the garage fixing things. Noah has done so very well with being a big brother! He has started struggling with patience though. It must be frustrating for him, he didn't used to have to wait much. But we are working through it. Yesterday Noah was said "I think Calvin is either awake or asleep." It made me laugh. Noah is such a cuddly guy and loves to give us hugs. He also loves to race and play hide-and-seek (where he giggles loudly and tells us where he's hiding). He's so much fun!