Calvin is just starting to sit in the Bumbo, this pic was a few days before the 3 month mark, but all the rest were on his 3 month birthday. I went me, I did weed out a lot of pictures and I only chose my favorites :)
Um...Mom...I think the iguana is eating my wrist....
This is what Noah was doing during all the pictures, watching Dinosaur Train. It's a new show on PBS that combines 2 of Noah's loves, dinosaurs and trains, GENIUS!

Baby Noah, just for comparison, I think Noah was closer to 5 months in this pic, but I could be wrong.
This is Calvin staring at his toes, he thinks they are fantabulous!
Noah and I went outside to play during Calvin's morning nap and got dirty. I like these pics :)
A 3 month birthday can be exhausting! Calvin weighed in at 14lb 11.5oz that morning, he has more than doubled his birthweight! He also slept 10.5 hours straight the night before, Nice!