Cal and Ryan and Kurt eating sunflower seeds.
I love this picture! Calvin is just so cute and he loves that tractor!
Cal loves being in the lake!
Calvin loves the lake and jumpin' to us. We have to pay attention 'cause he will just go without warning!
Smoke bombs were the favorite this year, we went through a bajillion of them.
Grandpa crashed out in a lawn chair :)
Calvin loves tools and fixing things. He said the tractor was "broke" and went to work.
"What are you doing, put that thing down!"
Watching the 'works!
My gorgeous boy!
We found a crawfish!

More fireworks with Uncle Kurt!
Oh Calvin.
The boys had fun playing with our "lake neighbors." I like that they have company.

I think Doc Hudson was racing around Cal's head.
Poor Noah can't go in the lake because of his cast. Apparently they don't want algae growing in there, poor kid! He spent a lot of time playing in the dirt and being a total trooper! Not one complaint!
Cal driving the jetski
Chillin' with Uncle Sam
I think my favorite pictures are the ones that are supposed to be posed and then everything goes awry. I love Noah's expression here. He is a stickler for the rules and following directions and gets very annoyed when Cal doesn't toe the line. For example, when Cal says something is "Shark" instead of "sharp," Noah goes nuts.
I need to figure out how to lighten things better on iphoto, I love this pic of Noah. He is just completely beautiful!
I think it has been at least 6 months since we have had a pic of the 4 of us snapped, so here it is, the Dieker's in all our unwashed lake-y glory!
Aaaaand a goofy family portrait ;)