Thursday, September 4, 2008

Haircut #2



I can't believe how big he looks and how much he looks like his daddy now that he has less hair.  It's insane!!  Is there any of me in him anywhere?  Lol.  He is an IVF baby, maybe they just cloned Ryan and left me out of the equation.  The lady who cut his hair missed a lot on one side, so we have been trying to even it up...cutting hair is definitely not one of my skills.  So if you see him and he looks lopsided, it's my fault.  In her defense he was squirming and trying to grab the scissors the whole time.  

Just in the last few days, he has started hamming it up for the camera, it's awesome!  He has suddenly turned into a climber, too!  Yesterday I looked over and he had climbed up on the couch and was straddling the arm and trying to climb up behind the TV.  Eek!  Mommy has to pay more attention!  

We are down to only one nap now and it's going fairly well.  Yesterday Noah slept for 3 hours!  Woohoo!  I didn't know what to do with myself and then he was in a GREAT mood all night.  It's amazing what some good sleep will do for a person.