This is what I usually see when we go to the park for play group. I see Noah's back as he wanders off. He's a big wanderer...I have to watch him very closely. Most of the other kiddos stay fairly close to their moms so they get more chatting in, I'm always chasing down the Boo. In this picture he is looking at the train as it's going by.

"Come here?...No thanks I'll just keep going...."

A rare moment where Noah is in the mix, hooray!!

He enjoys bouncing this turtle more from the ground than from the seat..

Ryan and Noah discovered Playhouse Disney online. Noah is a HUGE fan!!!

Mmmmmm I thought homemade pizza sounded good, so we had this the other night and it was so delicious! It's half cheese and half tomato-basil...nummy nummy nummy. This picture is mostly for Emily, lol.