Friday, July 31, 2009

Lazy Mama

Playing in his sand table...that's all he wants to do now...go outside and play in the sand,

He lined up his cars to watch videos with him.

Well I haven't posted for a few weeks...but I haven't really taken any pictures in a few weeks either.  Let's blame it on me being lazy!  As Ryan so eloquently put it I seem to have a rapid decline to total worthlessness at the end of pregnancy.  :)  The new little one is due in 4 weeks, but I am already dilated to 3 and 70% effaced, so I doubt we make it that long.   The doctor said it could still be a few weeks or it could be any time.  So we wait...I am really hoping that he/she stays on the inside for another week so that the baby will be full term.  I was hoping for a chubby baby this time, but I'm not thinking that's going to happen!  I'll keep you posted....well Ryan will post pics when the baby is born at least.  

Friday, July 17, 2009

A couple of videos

The 4th of July

We really haven't taken any pictures lately, we're falling down on the job!  To be fair we haven't seen much of the lad lately, he's been at the lake or with Jo and Pops.  So anyways, here are a few videos that we think are cute.  

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July Weekend '09

This was Noah's first experience with fireworks and like the rest of his gender, he was delighted and enthralled.  I think I got some really cute pics of his reactions!  He loved the smoke bombs and the poppers.  He was in bed long before the big display, so he missed it, maybe next year.  Noah has started coming to us between 7:15 and 7:30 p.m. asking for milk.  Then we say "What time is it?" and he says "Bathtime!" and he gets a little bit of milk, then bath, then bed.  It's funny, he likes his sleep!  
Why Pull-ups should never be used as swim diapers.  Noah actually looks like he's got a little "back."  It will probably be the only time in his life.  Poor kiddo, he's got really small butt genes.

Noah has finally taken to the water!  
Reading with Great-grandma Dieker
Playing trucks with Uncle Kurt.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Pool and "Lion Boy"

Noah loves his lion towel and when we put it on him he becomes "Lion Boy" and growls and makes swiping motions, it's adorable and hilarious.  

Well we finally made it to Jo and Pops' pool!  Hooray!  We had a great time after we let Noah warm up to the idea.  He's not one of those kids who will just rust into a new activity.  He has to sit back and watch a while and go at his own pace.  At first he said he didn't want to get in the pool and played around in the rocks around the edge.  Then he sat on the top step and just got his feet wet.  Then he moved down a step and played for a while...then he would let me take him into the water.  Soon he was "swimming" and the he would ride on the raft, wear water wings, and jump off the edge after first refusing.  He was laughing and giggling and a great time was had by all.  Pics courtesy of Jo.  As a side note.  I guess I must not take myself too seriously if I'm posting these terrible pics of me. :)