Friday, July 31, 2009

Lazy Mama

Playing in his sand table...that's all he wants to do now...go outside and play in the sand,

He lined up his cars to watch videos with him.

Well I haven't posted for a few weeks...but I haven't really taken any pictures in a few weeks either.  Let's blame it on me being lazy!  As Ryan so eloquently put it I seem to have a rapid decline to total worthlessness at the end of pregnancy.  :)  The new little one is due in 4 weeks, but I am already dilated to 3 and 70% effaced, so I doubt we make it that long.   The doctor said it could still be a few weeks or it could be any time.  So we wait...I am really hoping that he/she stays on the inside for another week so that the baby will be full term.  I was hoping for a chubby baby this time, but I'm not thinking that's going to happen!  I'll keep you posted....well Ryan will post pics when the baby is born at least.