This was Noah's first experience with fireworks and like the rest of his gender, he was delighted and enthralled. I think I got some really cute pics of his reactions! He loved the smoke bombs and the poppers. He was in bed long before the big display, so he missed it, maybe next year. Noah has started coming to us between 7:15 and 7:30 p.m. asking for milk. Then we say "What time is it?" and he says "Bathtime!" and he gets a little bit of milk, then bath, then bed. It's funny, he likes his sleep! Why Pull-ups should never be used as swim diapers. Noah actually looks like he's got a little "back." It will probably be the only time in his life. Poor kiddo, he's got really small butt genes. Noah has finally taken to the water! Reading with Great-grandma Dieker Playing trucks with Uncle Kurt.