Monday, April 21, 2008

Noah n Daddy

It was a rough week at the Dieker household last week, Noah got sick on Sunday and by Monday night, both Ryan and I were sick, too. Noah and I are on the mend with some leftovers, he has a runny nose and a cough still. Ryan is on antibiotics now and we are hoping in a few days he will feel better too. We hated to miss out on the gorgeous weekend, it was 75 and sunny, FINALLY and we were all sick :( I'm glad that Spring has decided to stay a while (I hope!).

Noah is working on saying "ball" and "book" and we even can get him to say the occasional "banana" which is rapidly becoming his favorite food. He will never refuse bananas, cheese, peas, and yogurt. He finally gained a little weight again and he is up to 21.5lbs. We are happy that we can flip his car seat around when he hits a year, which is coming up way too soon!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Noah's first pair of big boy pj's

Noah has started standing up and clapping, it's so cute!! He has re-discovered clapping and this time when we clap he claps along with us instead of looking at us like we are crazy. He has ANOTHER cold, and so do Ryan and I. Eeek. Last Sunday we had him in church with us because we didn't want him in the nursery to infect other babies. He was clapping during the praise and worship time and he even started singing a couple of times. He's getting so big!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Laughing at Momma

Noah has gotten very giggly lately, it's fun!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Noah + Tigger...a story of love

Instead of a security blanket, Noah has a security Tigger. He sleeps with him every night and nap and then he will clutch him by the arm and drag him all over the house. I accidentally left Tigger when we went to Arkansas and when Noah got him back, he had Tigger in a death grip, I didn't think he would ever let him go :)

Our trip to Arkansas to visit family

Noah and Uncle Charles, Noah and the ceramic cat that had him befuddled, Noah and his second cousins, Noah wondering where in the world his food is, and Megan and Cody who shares Noah's big beautiful blue eyes