Monday, August 31, 2009

More pics of my boys!

Ryan, Noah and Calvin reading a tractor book together, a very manly passtime
Calvin and Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Dieker
Calvin and Grandma and Grandpa Dieker
4 Generations of Dieker men
Noah and Great-Grandpa bonding over their love of John Deere
Calvin with his Jo and Pops
Here are some pics of Calvin on the blanket I made for him
Look at those scrawny legs! I love them!
Little man was OUT
Here Calvin is doing his turkey impression
Look at the sweet little guy! We are going to try to get his picture with this iguana every month so we can see how he is growing...hopefully we'll follow through!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Some more Calvin pics (this kid is crazy cute!)

Calvin loves the Boppy Bouncer, thanks Uncle James and Aunt Kelly!!

After a bath with awesome hair
Post-first bath (at home)
Noah giving Calvin a kiss night-night
I gave Noah some apples and peanut butter and he plopped down by Calvin for us to have a "picnic"
Enjoying some tummy time. The lad may be scrawny but he's strong, he flops that head around everywhere.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Noah at the hospital

Here is a cute little video of big brother at the hospital

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Introducing.....Calvin Thomas Dieker!!!

Calvin Thomas Dieker was born Wednesday, August 19th at 4:36pm.  He weighed in at 7lbs 3.4oz and was 20 inches long.  I only had about 2-3 hours (I lost track of time) of what I would consider to be 'hard' labor and there he was!  I though pushing for 17 minutes was much better than the 70 minutes I pushed with Noah.  It helps that Calvin's head was over an inch smaller!  Thanks little man!  Calvin looks so much like Noah it's freaky, they could be twins!  Here is a link to Noah's baby pictures if you want to compare!  Calvin has more hair and a longer neck, but I think those are about all the differences!  Calvin has really long arms and legs and fingers and toes, he's just long and skinny, hopefully we will fatten him up quickly!

Calvin had some issues at the beginning, he needed to be on oxygen and then his blood sugar spiked, so they kept him in the nursery on monitors for a while.  They think it's because he swallowed so much amniotic fluid...maybe?  But, all that got worked out and now he is home and healthy!  

I have more pictures I wanted to upload, but blogger is being dumb...or my computer is being dumb, so this is all you get for now!
Our first (and only) pic as a family of 4.  Noah wasn't too into taking pictures with Calvin and we didn't push it.  And yes I look weird and pasty and splotchy, but I had just had a baby, cut me some slack!

Seriously, this kid is ADORABLE!!  Doesn't the little IV in his hand make you sad?   I think this is my favorite picture...
With Daddy
No this is my favorite picture....
It annoys me that these are loading sideways, but I don't want to take the time to fix it, sorry for all the sore necks!  Noah liked coming to the hospital to visit so that he could eat sugary cereal.  He doesn't get that at home.  
Ryan and Noah enjoying a 5-star hospital meal
He has eyes!!!  I  love how tiny Calvin is in comparison to Ryan's hands.  

You have to blow this one up and check out his hair...and this is my favorite picture..
If you click on this pic to blow it up you can read all his stats.
Sorry this is sideways, this is Calvin when we got home from the hospital (finally!).  Look at those feet and long skinny toes.  I think he's going to be able to use them like hands, lol.  I also love his scrawny legs!  I'm sure we'll fatten them up in no time.  Aren't they cute?  
No, wait, THIS is my favorite picture...
Noah wanting Ryan to take a picture of Byron the Bulldozer
We were all oohing over Calvin and Noah says "Look, I made a crane."  and he did!  We were all totally impressed.  Way to go Noah.  I hope he doesn't feel like he has to do tricks to get our attention!  He has been so wonderful these past few days.  I love that he is so verbal, it makes things easier on all of us.  This morning he came over to me and said "Daddy hold Calvin, Mama give Noah a hug."  He was racing up and down the hall today showing "Baby brother Calvin" how fast he could race.  He brought Calvin several of his construction vehicles to show him how they work.  Noah has been so patient and just been rolling with the punches, I am so impressed with him!  What a great big brother!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


We have been trying to pack in some good quality time with Noah before the little one arrives, here are some pictures of the past few days. 

These first 2 are of Noah and I at Deanna Rose...the only 2 pictures I took.  It's hard when you're by yourself!

Noah loves the Mr. Potato Head glasses and I think he looks adorable in them, no?
This is the only picture I got of us at the City Market...but we went!
When we arrived at Union Station this morning there was a train right outside, Noah started yelling "A passenger train, a passenger train!!"  It was a good start to the day.

Then we looked at the model trains going round and round they had on display.
Here is the token Nikki picture to prove I actually did come along.

Then we went to the KC Railway Experience...
Then we went on this bridge over the tracks, Noah was very impressed.
We capped off the morning with lunch at Fritz's, a train-themed restaurant.  We were right by some model trains going back and forth along a track.  Your food is also delivered by train.  Noah was very impressed!  It was a wonderful morning!!!  I'm so glad that Ryan got the day off and we could spend it as a family of 3 before we become a family of 4 tomorrow.  We can't wait to meet the new little one.