Tuesday, August 18, 2009


We have been trying to pack in some good quality time with Noah before the little one arrives, here are some pictures of the past few days. 

These first 2 are of Noah and I at Deanna Rose...the only 2 pictures I took.  It's hard when you're by yourself!

Noah loves the Mr. Potato Head glasses and I think he looks adorable in them, no?
This is the only picture I got of us at the City Market...but we went!
When we arrived at Union Station this morning there was a train right outside, Noah started yelling "A passenger train, a passenger train!!"  It was a good start to the day.

Then we looked at the model trains going round and round they had on display.
Here is the token Nikki picture to prove I actually did come along.

Then we went to the KC Railway Experience...
Then we went on this bridge over the tracks, Noah was very impressed.
We capped off the morning with lunch at Fritz's, a train-themed restaurant.  We were right by some model trains going back and forth along a track.  Your food is also delivered by train.  Noah was very impressed!  It was a wonderful morning!!!  I'm so glad that Ryan got the day off and we could spend it as a family of 3 before we become a family of 4 tomorrow.  We can't wait to meet the new little one.