Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More Calvin Pictures

I love this picture, even if it is a bit out of focus!
Here is Calvin hanging out with Daddy. :) They are good buddies. Calvin is doing great, I'm not sure if I posted but as of last Wednesday, Cal was 10lbs 0z, I'm looking forward to weighing him tomorrow to see how he's grown. He is cooing all the time, and I swear he smiled at us last week, but he hasn't done it again (awake, anyways) since.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Calvin videos

This first video was taken on the day we brought him home from the hospital. It's one of those things that everyone but his mom will think is boring...but I'm his mom and I'm posting so you're getting it!
This is Calvin having Tummy time on Ryan. He always rolls himself to one side or the other, we think it's a neat trick..."Roll over, Calvin....good boy!"

Monday, September 21, 2009


This video is awesome. Noah that he was "great at jumping". We were both crying from laughing so hard.

Noah is now obsessed with tools and loves to play with them outside. He discovered this loose bolt on the basketball goal and loves to hammer it over and over and over and over again.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Calvin is 1 Month Old!

I know he's my kid, but seriously...he's CUTE!

Look at all of his chub!
I love how Noah has made himself comfy in his red chair. Look at those long skinny legs!

Look how well he is holding his head up! Cal doesn't have much use for "tummy time" unless he's laying on one of us and then he just pops up and looks around. He is one month old today, he has been such a blessing! I can't imagine life without him around. What did we do when we just had Noah? Oh yeah, we slept! Calvin has been getting up every 3 to 3.5 hours the past few nights, where did our 5-6 hour stretches go? I'm not sure if he's going through a growth spurt (like he needs one, just out of curiosity, I weighed him tonight before he ate and he was 10lbs 3.5oz! He has gained 3lbs from his birth weight), or if he's just so snotty he's not able to eat as much and needs to get up more often. I'm hoping this is very temporary. One his one month birthday, Calvin decided to celebrate with his first blowout. Nice, lol!

Noah is doing great, he is suddenly into tools. Ryan gave him a tape measure and a scraper and a rubber mallet (his hammer), a wrench and a screwdriver and he goes all over the garage fixing things. Noah has done so very well with being a big brother! He has started struggling with patience though. It must be frustrating for him, he didn't used to have to wait much. But we are working through it. Yesterday Noah was said "I think Calvin is either awake or asleep." It made me laugh. Noah is such a cuddly guy and loves to give us hugs. He also loves to race and play hide-and-seek (where he giggles loudly and tells us where he's hiding). He's so much fun!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Weight Check

Last night Calvin was 9lbs 14oz, but that was right after he ate. He is doing great and continuing to grow, grow, grow! I just checked and Noah was 10lbs 0.7oz when he was 33 days old. So, I think Cal will be a little bit bigger than Noah at 33 days, but not much.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

4 Weeks Today!

Here are some rare pics of Noah and Calvin together. Noah is getting closer and closer to Cal but he generally doesn't invade his personal space...except yesterday when Noah sat on Cal's head, it was an accident and on a soft couch so no harm done. Calvin didn't even protest.

We were all ready for the game in our Chief's gear...too bad it didn't help!
Noah. I am trying to get pics of the boys in the same-ish pose around the same age to compare them, but I'm going to have to do more digging to get pics of Noah to do it justice. All our baby pics of Noah are on CD's somewhere....I just pulled these off a much earlier post.
Calvin again
Noah ( I think he was only a few weeks old here)
I love how he is so floppy still, it's adorable.

We went to Deanna Rose with some friends this morning and I got a couple of shots of Noah.

These last 2 pics are of Calvin today, on his 4 week birthday! Look at that belly! His thighs are getting some meat on them, too and just look at those cheeks!. He's really chunking up. I will weigh him tonight and post it. I'll be interested to see if he is still gaining over 2oz a day! Calvin slept for 6 hours last night, woohoo and he has started making an adorable cooing noise every once in a while. It melts my heart!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Camera-Happy Mommy

Bath Time! Isn't he getting chubby?
Noah at the park
Noah loves to watch videos of trains on Youtube. Isn't he cute?

My new favorite Calvin picture...melts my heart
Seriously, doesn't he have eyelashes to die for?
Noah spent a fun filled day with Jo and Pops on Friday. They are sitting on a bridge that goes over a bunch of train tracks. They had 2 trains go underneath them, a coal train and a freight train. Noah was very excited. Doesn't he look like a kid in this picture? His arms and legs look so long!
No Pictures!!! (this is Noah in his hat from Fritz's the restaurant that brings your food by train)
Fine...one picture
Hammin' it up.
Calvin and Pops. I love Cal's face in this picture!
"I am at Jo and Pops' house, I can do whatever I want :)"
I was curious about how Calvin was growing, and Ryan found a baby scale for sale at work and picked it up. As of Wednesday night, Calvin weighed 8lbs 15oz. He's really chunking up! He gained 30oz in a mere 13 days. He is outgrowing all his newborn clothes already. He isn't going to have that newborn look for much longer. He's doing great though and (mostly) sleeping very well. His usual pattern is to eat around 10-11pm, then 2-3am and then 6-7am. Not too bad, we can't complain. Noah is doing really well too. We are still amazed at how well he has taken to being a big brother. Tonight I put Calvin in his carseat and he was fussing a little bit, so Noah walked over to him, and leaned down close to Cal and asked "What's wrong, Calvin?" It was very cute! Noah is at this great stage where everything is exciting and fun. He is really starting to play with other kids more and more, it's so fun to watch. We have some great boys!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Some Random Recent Pictures

Noah is "reading" to Calvin in this pic. :) I love how wonderful and loving and accepting Noah is of Calvin. Noah is an amazing kid.

Noah spent the weekend at the lake with his grandma and grandpa and great-grandma and great-grandpa, we swiped a couple of pictures of him being adorable.
Cal with Neal and Courtney
I am going to try to get a pic of him in this gown at 1 month, 2 months and 3 months...well as long as we can get it on him.

Look, it's a picture of me and Calvin...there is one out there, so now he knows that I do hold him from time to time.
Calvin with Ben and Brittany
Wow, 2 pics of me in one post...nuts!
I wish pictures could do his crazy long toes justice, they are things of beauty.
Pops n Calvin
Cousin Carter
Jo and Pops and their grandkids, I think they're a nice looking bunch, eh?
Isn't he sweet? Calvin has been such a great baby so far! He eats well and sleeps well and isn't too fussy in between. Noah was a fairly easy baby and we are hoping that Cal continues along this path! It would be very nice for us :)