Monday, August 18, 2008

Playing around with Dada

Ryan and Noah were goofing around and I got these cute pics, isn't the top one adorable?  Doesn't he look like a little boy instead of a baby?  Nuts!

This seems to be Noah's new face when he is concentrating, it cracks us up.

"Hey, Dad, what are you doing with that hose?  This looks like fun!"  Noah and I were playing on his swing set and Ryan was cleaning off the patio when Noah spotted him and made a bee-line for the water.  Noah had so much fun just playing as you will see from the copious amount of pictures I'm posting.

I love this picture!! 

I tried so hard to get a "money shot" of Noah playing in the hose, one of him straight on, laughing, but it was not to be.  I took tons of pictures, believe it or not, this is a small sampling. Noah had such a wonderful time, it's amazing how much joy he got from a water hose and a warm day.  Don't you wish that it could be that simple for all of us?  I hope he never outgrows the pleasure of simple things.   

I have been trying to post videos lately and having no luck due to some kind of error, but I will keep on trying.  Some day soon hopefully I'll just have a post full of videos!