Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Poor Noah-not many pics of him these days...I gotta even it up!

Calvin has started doing all kinds of exciting things! He's very talkative and smiley and he has started to grab things and bat at things. Just yesterday he found his toes. His head control is good and he is actually pushing up some on tummy time. Before he just sucked on his fist and got mad :) He is doing great! Noah is also doing great. Here's a cute Noah story. We were on our way to Target (his favorite!) the other day and I said something like "Noah, does mommy love you?" and he said "yeah!" and I said "Does daddy love you?" and he said "Yeah! The moon and the stars love me, too!" He also told me the other day that Grandma and Grandpa were "building [him] a new train table." Not sure where he gets these things, lol. He's a cutie!