Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The last couple weeks

Calvin thought the phone cord was totally novel...and delicious!
The boys are touching each other more without Noah freaking out. Ryan is teaching them to wrestle, oh goodness.

I think this picture look so much like the pictures I've seen of Ryan as a kid...

Cal and Noah fight over this red chair about every five minutes. Calvin will be getting his own chair (blue!) for his birthday from Jo and Pops....that kind of makes me wish he would hurry up and turn 1 already ;)

Noah and Jo got it in their heads that they needed to bake a red cake with chocolate chips and chocolate they did and I have to say, the results were delicious!
The after :)
I went to get Calvin up from his nap last week and he had grabbed everything that he could reach and tossed it in the crib with him...including a box of wipes, and he proceeded to pull out 35 of them
4th of July weekend!!!! This was on Saturday, the only day it didn't rain all day.

Noah loves to watch fireworks!!
and help light them...eek!

I have warm fuzzies for pictures of Noah walking on the dock with Ryan...I'm not sure why, but I have lots of these pictures....I think this is the first one with Noah wearing an inner tube, though.
The wind sock stayed this way about the whole weekend, it was WINDY...and rainy....and not warm. We spent A LOT of time indoors
A pic of the weather...on the 4th of JULY!!! Nuts...

Noah is using his new Lightening McQueen aqua socks to remove copious amounts of hair from Ryan's leg in this picture
Due to the cabin being rather full, we brought a wee camp chair inside for Noah. It worked very well....except when Cal wanted in, too.

Fireworks!!! Noah got to stay up late and shoot off some fireworks and watch the big display at the lake (in the rain...well drizzle...but it was wet)
This part of the fireworks is where I had to bite my tongue...I'm not a fan of them and I am convinced they blow people's hands off on a fairly regular basis. Perhaps I would see more one handed people if that were true...I still don't like them very much.
This picture makes me laugh because it perfectly captured Ryan's "Noah is in trouble" face

I think Great Grandma Dieker kind of likes Cal :)