Monday, July 26, 2010

We took a trip to the zoo with some friends. It was hot...we almost melted.

I promise he really did like these birds, he just seems terrified in the picture
Noah n Cal with Conner and Collin
Cal really wanted to pet a monkey.
Riding the train! YES RIDING the train! After 2 years of trying to get him on, Noah finally rode the train, twice, and he really enjoyed it!
All smiles (once we pretty much forced him on)

Calvin and I bailed on train ride #2 and found some air conditioning. Hence the smiles

These are my poor attempts to get some pictures on his 11 month birthday.

Cal loves to read! I'm so happy!

Isn't he so cute and big? Can you believe 11 months???? And yes he will get a haircut someday...I'm just not sure when someday will be.

He's a KID...crazy
Before spaghetti....

For Ryan's birthday we took Noah to see his very first movie, Toy Story 3. He had to bring Woody and Buzz with him. These are Ryan's Toy Story toys from back in the day :) Noah was so excited! He did pretty well, too. He got a little restless, but wasn't too noisy or anything. I think he's a fan of going to the movies!
We ate a bite before going to the movie...with Woody and Buzz.
Noah and Ryan (and Woody and Buzz) right before the movie started
And of course, we had to go see the trains since we were at the Great Mall.
Ryan made us a yummy dinner of breakfast on his birthday. I think he was wanting a break from some whiney kids I know.
Wrestlemania 2010
Calvin uses Noah's red chair to climb up onto the loveseat. He spends a lot of time up there then he usually yells for us to come get him down. He has gotten down a few times on his own, once or twice he didn't even land on his face :) Today he crawled down the stairs for the first time. He wanted to get to his ball. He loves to play ball with us. It's fun, he's started doing so many new things now! He meows at pictures of cats and moos at pictures of cows. He can say all kinds of words now, mama, dada, Noah, fish, bye-bye, night-night, ball, nana (banana) and several others, I'm tired and can't think since SOMEONE got me up at 6 this morning. He is starting to try to put things back together and will pick up the phone and hold it to his ear and babble. This is just a really fun time! He is a climber and gets into and onto everything. Noah was so easy, we've got to watch this one a lot closer.

Noah loves to run and jump and is still obsessed with trains. Our house is always filled with the sounds (some very loud!) of train whistles. He chugs all over the place. He loves to watch TV, which we have to limit or he would do nothing but sit in front of the TV all day. He loves movies and to watch train videos on Youtube. He figured out how to work the laptop, he's a smart guy. He's not into snuggling or reading or coloring right now, but I'm hoping it's just a phase. He will be going to a one day a week kid's day out in the fall. I think it will be good for him, but I can't believe he is already big enough to be going to "school." I think I am going to be a mess the first day I drop him off.